There are few factors that shape a church as significantly as its core values. What lies at the heart of a church’s mission will shape everything it does. Its style, staff, programs, and priorities will all naturally track toward fulfilling what is most valued. At Hillsdale UB we believe that personal and corporate spiritual growth will happen when we mature in the following areas:
We understand that there are many voices competing for our attention. Each one of them has an agenda and an opinion of how the world does and should work. We believe that in the midst of the noise, one source speaks timeless truth. We affirm that the Bible is God’s revealed Word to us in the form of supernatural scriptures that offer greater understanding for healthy, fulfilled living and ultimate truth for eternal life with our Creator.
We confess that while the Christian life is one of victory, it is also a journey filled with personal struggle and failure. It is our desire, in the midst of our journey, to be authentic, transparent, and genuine. We believe that Christianity, in its purest form, is about a close, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This lordship and friendship with God is the key to unlocking our ability to nurture healthy growing community with others. We are committed to be a congregation built on meaningful interactions that encourage our maturity in Christ and unity with the body of believers, His church.
As with any growing relationship, communication with our heavenly Father is essential to developing real intimacy. Whether we are celebrating and expressing gratitude for His goodness or crying out for His intervention or help in trouble, we will pursue regular time in conversation with God, made possible through His Son. For our own needs and on behalf of others, we will pray continually.
We affirm the importance of helping people discover their unique giftedness and God-given mission for their lives and we desire to inspire and equip them to accomplish it. We affirm that every member of the church family is a minister and that the most effective way to do ministry is through teamwork. We value the importance of unity and servant leadership within our church family as we work together to accomplish His purposes.
In this world, resources and riches are abundant. We hold that God, in his wisdom, has assigned mankind the responsibility of managing and stewarding these resources for the care of creation and to the benefit of all living within it. We maintain God’s rightful claim to all of creation and selflessly commit to use that which is entrusted to us for His glory and purposes.
From the beginning of time, faithful God-followers have responded to His grace and provision in tangible ways. Men and women have looked for opportunities to give of their resources as an act of worship. We believe faithful support of ministry and generosity toward those in need is evidence of a committed and maturing believer—one who is grateful for all God has provided and who trusts in God’s future provision.
Paul tells us that all creation speaks to God’s greatness. Our natural response is awe-inspired worship of a limitless God. We are humbled and emboldened, centered and inspired, corrected and encouraged, when we take time to give God the credit he is due. We are dedicated to living lives that bring acclaim to Him. It is what we were created for.
Acts Chapter 2 tells us that when God’s people live out their faith genuinely, others take notice. The gospel was never meant to be a sleazy sales pitch, or uncomfortable manipulation of people into saying magic words assuring their eternal lot. As a church, we will let our actions speak loudly and trust that authentic relationships will give us opportunity to introduce those who seek Him to the One who has been so good to us. We will speak of God’s incredible grace and invite others to bow before His Son to receive forgiveness.
We understand that there are many voices competing for our attention. Each one of them has an agenda and an opinion of how the world does and should work. We believe that in the midst of the noise, one source speaks timeless truth. We affirm that the Bible is God’s revealed Word to us in the form of supernatural scriptures that offer greater understanding for healthy, fulfilled living and ultimate truth for eternal life with our Creator.
We confess that while the Christian life is one of victory, it is also a journey filled with personal struggle and failure. It is our desire, in the midst of our journey, to be authentic, transparent, and genuine. We believe that Christianity, in its purest form, is about a close, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This lordship and friendship with God is the key to unlocking our ability to nurture healthy growing community with others. We are committed to be a congregation built on meaningful interactions that encourage our maturity in Christ and unity with the body of believers, His church.
As with any growing relationship, communication with our heavenly Father is essential to developing real intimacy. Whether we are celebrating and expressing gratitude for His goodness or crying out for His intervention or help in trouble, we will pursue regular time in conversation with God, made possible through His Son. For our own needs and on behalf of others, we will pray continually.
We affirm the importance of helping people discover their unique giftedness and God-given mission for their lives and we desire to inspire and equip them to accomplish it. We affirm that every member of the church family is a minister and that the most effective way to do ministry is through teamwork. We value the importance of unity and servant leadership within our church family as we work together to accomplish His purposes.
In this world, resources and riches are abundant. We hold that God, in his wisdom, has assigned mankind the responsibility of managing and stewarding these resources for the care of creation and to the benefit of all living within it. We maintain God’s rightful claim to all of creation and selflessly commit to use that which is entrusted to us for His glory and purposes.
From the beginning of time, faithful God-followers have responded to His grace and provision in tangible ways. Men and women have looked for opportunities to give of their resources as an act of worship. We believe faithful support of ministry and generosity toward those in need is evidence of a committed and maturing believer—one who is grateful for all God has provided and who trusts in God’s future provision.
Paul tells us that all creation speaks to God’s greatness. Our natural response is awe-inspired worship of a limitless God. We are humbled and emboldened, centered and inspired, corrected and encouraged, when we take time to give God the credit he is due. We are dedicated to living lives that bring acclaim to Him. It is what we were created for.
Acts Chapter 2 tells us that when God’s people live out their faith genuinely, others take notice. The gospel was never meant to be a sleazy sales pitch, or uncomfortable manipulation of people into saying magic words assuring their eternal lot. As a church, we will let our actions speak loudly and trust that authentic relationships will give us opportunity to introduce those who seek Him to the One who has been so good to us. We will speak of God’s incredible grace and invite others to bow before His Son to receive forgiveness.